SPORT : PEOPLE : BOBBY MOORE INTERVIEW :; ENGLAND : ILFORD 3 shot: Moore does exercises on the lawyn by his wife and reporter: MS: PENNINGTON: (If I can interrupt you for a second - you are off to New York - how do you feel about prospects out there? CS: MOORE: I have been out before - had a good game with Gornik and we hope to play against Dukla: (I hope so also. How do you like playing in that heat?) It is an experience that you never get in this country, playing in 96 degrees of heat: CS: WIFE: (Time, how do you feel about flying out to New York?) Bit worried about flying - we have just come back from holiday in Majorca - we had such a bad flight - 2 engines failed and we had to turn back to Las Palmas. CS: MOORE: (Last season the only thing you lacked was consistency?) We were inconsistent last year, there were too many youngsters on the side, but we did reach some high peaks and we hope we can do so agin this year: (Good, do you generally think that West Ham could be a super club in the new ear?) I think this revolves around success - I think if you are a successful club it is good for the club, it is good for players and the public interest - and it is a good thing for super clubs: (Have you had a raise in wages?) Well of course there has been a trebling of my wages, which is fantastic - and due to this we are buying a house and running a car - we are lucky in every respect:
SPORT : PEOPLE : BOBBY MOORE INTERVIEW :; ENGLAND : ILFORD 3 shot: Moore does exercises on the lawyn by his wife and reporter: MS: PENNINGTON: (If I can interrupt you for a second - you are off to New York - how do you feel about prospects out there? CS: MOORE: I have been out before - had a good game with Gornik and we hope to play against Dukla: (I hope so also. How do you like playing in that heat?) It is an experience that you never get in this country, playing in 96 degrees of heat: CS: WIFE: (Time, how do you feel about flying out to New York?) Bit worried about flying - we have just come back from holiday in Majorca - we had such a bad flight - 2 engines failed and we had to turn back to Las Palmas. CS: MOORE: (Last season the only thing you lacked was consistency?) We were inconsistent last year, there were too many youngsters on the side, but we did reach some high peaks and we hope we can do so agin this year: (Good, do you generally think that West Ham could be a super club in the new ear?) I think this revolves around success - I think if you are a successful club it is good for the club, it is good for players and the public interest - and it is a good thing for super clubs: (Have you had a raise in wages?) Well of course there has been a trebling of my wages, which is fantastic - and due to this we are buying a house and running a car - we are lucky in every respect:

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
31 juli 1963
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x486 29.97p
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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