SAUCY POSTCARDS EXHIBITION; ITN - SEE RESTRICTIONS ENGLAND: London: INT CMS Saucy postcard of couple on windy beach (2 shots) CMS Postcard and original sketch beside CS Detail of postcard (3 shots) CMS Another saucy postcard and original sketch beside CMS Postcard of woman and painter (2 shots) CMS Painting of saucy postcard Anita O'Brien (Curator, Cartoon Art Gallery) hanging item on wall (2 shots) and interview SOT - fifties was generally conservative time/ moral panic about morality and people's behaviour CMS Various saucy postcards PAN to ledger entry for court cases Saucy postcards beside orders for court cases CMS Donald McGill signature on postcard (3 shots) TCMS Sheets of saucy postcards PAN CMS Detail of postcard Anita O'Brien (Curator, Cartoon Art Gallery) interview SOT - think he knew what was going on/ if you didn't get it then you weren't going to be corrupted by it O'Brien affixing postcards to backing sheets (3 shots) GV Postcards displayed on wall of gallery TILT DOWN to poster advertising exhibition on desk TX 23.5.2004/C4N ------------------------------------------- Clean feed tape = D0627780 OR D0627781 00.11.14 to 00.13.31 FX/MIX Programme as broadcast tape = D0627779 Order Ref: T23050412
SAUCY POSTCARDS EXHIBITION; ITN - SEE RESTRICTIONS ENGLAND: London: INT CMS Saucy postcard of couple on windy beach (2 shots) CMS Postcard and original sketch beside CS Detail of postcard (3 shots) CMS Another saucy postcard and original sketch beside CMS Postcard of woman and painter (2 shots) CMS Painting of saucy postcard Anita O'Brien (Curator, Cartoon Art Gallery) hanging item on wall (2 shots) and interview SOT - fifties was generally conservative time/ moral panic about morality and people's behaviour CMS Various saucy postcards PAN to ledger entry for court cases Saucy postcards beside orders for court cases CMS Donald McGill signature on postcard (3 shots) TCMS Sheets of saucy postcards PAN CMS Detail of postcard Anita O'Brien (Curator, Cartoon Art Gallery) interview SOT - think he knew what was going on/ if you didn't get it then you weren't going to be corrupted by it O'Brien affixing postcards to backing sheets (3 shots) GV Postcards displayed on wall of gallery TILT DOWN to poster advertising exhibition on desk TX 23.5.2004/C4N ------------------------------------------- Clean feed tape = D0627780 OR D0627781 00.11.14 to 00.13.31 FX/MIX Programme as broadcast tape = D0627779 Order Ref: T23050412

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Redactioneel nr.:
Gemaakt op:
23 mei 2004
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Soort licentie:
Rights ready
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Lengte van clip:
United Kingdom
Gemastered naar:
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
Oorspronkelijk opgenomen op:
576 25i
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