Multiple reflections of a young woman in the mirror - Stockfoto

multiple reflections of a young woman in the mirror. girl in underwear smiling and looking up. black and white photo + apparently you took over the strip over the nose of the artifacts. but it is also reflected. because in the photo are visible only to reflect the person. a mirror reflects twice from the surface of the reflecting surface and the surface of the glass. difference in distance between these planes and gives the effect of image motion +
multiple reflections of a young woman in the mirror. girl in underwear smiling and looking up. black and white photo + apparently you took over the strip over the nose of the artifacts. but it is also reflected. because in the photo are visible only to reflect the person. a mirror reflects twice from the surface of the reflecting surface and the surface of the glass. difference in distance between these planes and gives the effect of image motion +
Multiple reflections of a young woman in the mirror
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3744 x 5199 px (31,70 x 44,02 cm) - 300 dpi - 6 MB
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