Deep into sapphire blue ice - Vatnajökull National Park (Iceland) - Stockfoto

Vatnajökull National Park - November 22, 2019: Man ice climber exploring ice cave. Photo taken in the well-known Blue Ice cave, the cave had beautiful ice formations in sapphire blue tones, frozen water streams and diamond-like walls. These are just some of the multiple treasures that these icy wonders have. Ice caves have a surreal atmosphere that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world, only deep inside the body of a glacier.
Vatnajökull National Park - November 22, 2019: Man ice climber exploring ice cave. Photo taken in the well-known Blue Ice cave, the cave had beautiful ice formations in sapphire blue tones, frozen water streams and diamond-like walls. These are just some of the multiple treasures that these icy wonders have. Ice caves have a surreal atmosphere that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world, only deep inside the body of a glacier.
Deep into sapphire blue ice - Vatnajökull National Park (Iceland)
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6720 x 4480 px (56,90 x 37,93 cm) - 300 dpi - 29 MB
Datum van uploaden:
Vatnajökull National Park, Vatnajökull National Park, Iceland
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