Injured Israeli Soldier
(Original Caption) In the first days of fighting in the Yom Kippur War on the Golan Heights the Israeli forces had taken a terrible beating from the Syrians. I had gone up with Yossi Peled's 200th Brigade, whose task was to relieve the forces that had taken the brunt of theinitial attack. Reaching the Golan plateau, the unit ran into an artillery ambush. Shells were raining down, but at the point, even with all the action around me, I didn?t get a single good picture. The Syrians were well out of sight, the tank battleraged over distances of miles and bullets don't photograph in flight. The visible evidence of war is where the results of the fighting meet the eye. Like where this soldier, who had been hit in the ambush, was being treated. (Photo by © David Rubinger/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images)
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Redactioneel nr.:
Corbis Historical
Gemaakt op:
01 januari 1900
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Corbis Historical
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2402 x 2950 px (20,34 x 24,98 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB