Tuvalu - The Drowning Nation
Funafuti Atoll is at the front line against global warming. 15 feet above sea level at the highest point, rising levels are putting the population of 10,000 at risk. It is likely that this island nation will be the first country to disappear as a result of climate change. Tuvalu is the smallest country in the world, only 26 Km2. Already during the highest tides, sea water is forced up through the porous coral atoll, flooding many low lying areas. This salt water poisons the thin soil and makes growing crops very difficult, leaving the Tuvaluans dependant on expensive imports. Weather patterns are also altering. Increased storm activity is creating wave erosion with many parts of the island suffering land loss; trees are washed into the sea as the island is undercut. (Photo by Ashley Cooper/Corbis via Getty Images)
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18 maart 2007
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- Klimaatverandering,
- Overstroming,
- Grote oceaan,
- Kwetsbaarheid,
- Afhankelijkheid,
- Bedreigde soorten,
- Breekbaarheid,
- Broeikasgas,
- Demografie,
- Eiland,
- Ernstig bedreigde soorten,
- Funafuti,
- Gesloopt,
- Geërodeerd,
- Huis,
- Kijken naar,
- Koolstofdioxide,
- Koraal - Neteldier,
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