Nepal - Pokhara - Young Gurkhas wash in local river
For their regular river washing ritual, the red identical t-shirts of young Nepali boys walk in single-file down a valley side near the British Gurkha Regiment's army camp at Pokhara after recently being recruited into the regiment after a gruelling series of tests to eliminate the weaker and less able candidates. 60,000 boys aged between 17-22 (or 25 for those educated enough to become clerks or communications specialists) report to designated recruiting stations in the hills each November, most living from altitudes ranging from 4,000-12,000 feet. After initial selection, 7,000 are accepted for further tests from which 700 are sent down here to Pokhara in the shadow of the Himalayas. Only 160 of the best boys succeed in the journey to the UK. The Gurkhas have been supplying youth for the British army since the Indian Mutiny of 1857. (Photo by In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images)

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16 januari 1997
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- Gurkha,
- Leger - Krijgsmacht,
- Indisch Subcontinent etniciteit,
- Geschiedenis,
- Huishoudklusjes,
- Intelligentie,
- Nepal,
- Onderwijs,
- Regiment,
- Verlaten - Begrippen,
- 1990-1999,
- Aan elkaar bevestigd,
- Agressie,
- Azië,
- Bedrijven financiën en industrie,
- Berg,
- Beveiliging,
- Britse leger,
- Buitenopname,
- Competitie,
- Doping,
- Eliminatieronde,
- Fiche,
- Fitness,
- Gelijkheid,
- Helden,
- Hemden en shirts,
- Herhaling - Begrippen,
- Himalaya's,
- Huis interieur,
- Infanterie,
- Inspanning,
- Jongens,
- Keus,
- Kind,
- Koloniale stijl,
- Leger soldaat,
- Levensstijl,
- Loon - Arbeidsvoorwaarden,
- Macho,
- Militaire training,
- Modelhuis interieur,
- Nepalese etniciteit,
- Oefenen,
- Pelgrim,
- Pensioen - Bankdokument,
- Pokhara,
- Politiek,
- Politiek en staatsbestuur,
- Prestatie,
- Prijs - Onderscheiding,
- Print,
- Religieuze dienst,
- Rivier,
- Rood,
- Station,
- Steil,
- T-Shirt,
- Testosteron,
- Tiener,
- Toewijding,
- Traditie,
- Vaardigheid,
- Vallei,
- Van de zijkant,
- Verbinding,
- Vrijetijdskleding,
- Wandelen - Lichaamsbeweging,
- Wassen,
- Werving,
- Zij aan zij,